Botox, Blowouts, & Blush

Join us on National Giving Hearts Day
for a Ladies Pamper Event!
Most pamper treatments free!
for a Ladies Pamper Event!
Most pamper treatments free!
Wholesome Massage & Natural Medicine- relaxation treatment,
DoTerra-Deep Blue Pain rubs, Avatar with compassion cards
OM Therapy-chair massage * Mary Kay-lip pampering,
Lemongrass Spa-hand treatments * Aim High Health-Botox,
Virtual Quality Hair- hair loss consultations
Lori Doyle with Salone Bellissima will be available all day if people want her services.
Join us to pamper yourself and relax!

Date and Time
Thursday Feb 9, 2023
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM MST
February 9
Drop in any time
Salone Bellissima 7250 @ 38th Ave, Wheat Ridge
Admission is free. Most Pamper treatments are free
Contact Information
Renee Schreiner
Send Email